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A complete guide to the Food Studies Journals and Textiles, Fashion and Design Elective Coursework + SEC Corrected Project

The Food Studies Coursework is worth 100 marks (20.83%), the Textiles, Fashion and Design Elective Coursework is worth 100 marks (20.83%) and the written examination is worth 280 marks (58.33%) for students completing this chosen elective. Mark allocations will differ for other electives.


As the Food Studies coursework is worth approx. 1/5 of your final grade and the Textiles, Fashion and Design Elective coursework is worth 1/5 of your final gradewe believe it is highly possible to bank valuable marks before you sit your written examination.


And we want to help you achieve your best with our ebook resources. 


Our resources:


- An ebook including a guide + multiple SEC Corrected Food Studies Journals

You will receive a complete guide on what to include in the project and how to complete it, insights into what the examiner is looking for, examples of the examiners markings and images of SEC marked and graded H1 journals


-An ebook only of multiple SEC Corrected Food Studies Journals


-An ebook including a guide + a SEC Corrected Textiles Elective project

You will receive a complete guide on what to include in the project and how to complete it, insights into what the examiner is looking for, examples of the examiners markings and images of SEC marked and graded H1 project


-An ebook only of a SEC Corrected Textiles Elective project


To avail of our valuable project guides and SEC corrected projects, click the 'Store' link through the menu at the top right hand corner.





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